What is Serendipity about?

Serendipity can be defined as "an attentiveness for the moment or the discovery by chance or sagacity of phenomena not originally looked for" as Dr. Ina-Maria Greverus says.

It might be also an attitude taken for researching and learning. Or a mood in which sharing knowledge can let us learn. This is what Serendipity is about: sharing and learning to research.

Therefore, I invite you to take a look at this thesis of Ways of Reading from Newspapers to Internet and to criticize it. Please, check the guide of contents of the full version or the lite version. If you want to have the full text in PDF, just email me: solec.blogspot@gmail.com

I encourage you to point out other information, studies and research done in the subject. You can also use this work to create something else (please, look at the Licence conditions)

Besides, you will find interesting articles at the bottom of this page, useful links at the sidebar, and new research, resources, articles and related information at the Serendipity Bookmark. If you want to subscribe to the Serendipity Bookmark, its RSS Feed is: http://del.icio.us/rss/solec

Moreover, you can join Serendipity Wiki which is a collaborative tool that allow us to share information, discuss and create together.

See you!


Modos de lectura de noticias - Del papel a la Web
Monografía de grado- Licenciatura en Comunicación Social
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Autor: Soledad Caballero
Tutor: Rosario Sánchez Vilela

En el paso del papel a la Web, hay cambios en los modos de lectura de noticias pero también hay continuidades. Los nuevos modos de lectura se vinculan al cambio de soporte en que se propone el texto, y al cambio en la percepción y valoración subjetiva del tiempo y el espacio que estos lectores otorgan al mundo online y al mundo del papel.

Aunque las modificaciones en los modos de lectura asociadas al soporte pantalla estén imbricadas con la posibilidad e imposibilidad de ciertos gestos lectores ante la mutación del objeto físico, el cambio perceptivo no se explica exclusivamente por el cambio de soporte, ni por la tecnología Internet en particular.

Ir a la Introducción
Ir a la versión resumida (Highlights)
Pedir versión PDF de la tesis a solec.blogspot@gmail.com
Serendipity can be defined as "an attentiveness for the moment or the discovery by chance or sagacity of phenomena not originally looked for" as Dr. Ina-Maria Greverus says.

It might be also an attitude taken for researching and learning. Or a mood in which sharing knowledge can let us learn. This is what Serendipity is about: sharing and learning to research.

Therefore, I invite you to take a look at this thesis of Ways of Reading from Newspapers to Internet and to criticize it. Please, check the guide of contents of the full version or the lite version. If you want to have the full text in PDF, just email me: solec.blogspot@gmail.com

I encourage you to point out other information, studies and research done in the subject. You can also use this work to create something else (please, look at the Licence conditions)

Besides, you will find interesting articles at the bottom of this page, useful links at the sidebar, and new research, resources, articles and related information at the Serendipity Bookmark. If you want to subscribe to the Serendipity Bookmark, its RSS Feed is: http://del.icio.us/rss/solec

Moreover, you can join Serendipity Wiki which is a collaborative tool that allow us to share information, discuss and create together.

See you!


Modos de lectura de noticias - Del papel a la Web
Monografía de grado- Licenciatura en Comunicación Social
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Autor: Soledad Caballero
Tutor: Rosario Sánchez Vilela

En el paso del papel a la Web, hay cambios en los modos de lectura de noticias pero también hay continuidades. Los nuevos modos de lectura se vinculan al cambio de soporte en que se propone el texto, y al cambio en la percepción y valoración subjetiva del tiempo y el espacio que estos lectores otorgan al mundo online y al mundo del papel.

Aunque las modificaciones en los modos de lectura asociadas al soporte pantalla estén imbricadas con la posibilidad e imposibilidad de ciertos gestos lectores ante la mutación del objeto físico, el cambio perceptivo no se explica exclusivamente por el cambio de soporte, ni por la tecnología Internet en particular.

Ir a la Introducción
Ir a la versión resumida (Highlights)
Pedir versión PDF de la tesis a solec.blogspot@gmail.com

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Blogger Sole said...

There is an interesting discussion about "serendipity" at "The engine of serendipity" May 18, 2006

I agree with the fact the Serendipity should be a doorway and certainly technology can help us to build it.

Other and more views:

"The endangered joy of serendipity"
William Mckeen, special to The Times http://www.sptimes.com/2006/03/26/news_pf/

"Can we please kill this meme now" Stevenberlinjohnson

10:39 AM  

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